Saturday, May 2, 2009


We were 13 week and I miscarried. This has been a very hard thing for me. I know God doesn't give us more then we can handle. This past week was the most painful, emotional and helpless time of my life so far. I am thankful for my wonderful daughter Alise who made me smile when I am sad and even thought she is only 22 months old she pulls my covers off me in morning and told me to get up. I know I'm tough and this sadness will pass. This pass week I have found a new place in my heart for kids..... that God gives us children for many thinks to make our hearts grow to find patience when we are at our ends and to teach a growing soul new thing, to be that rock we had when we were small but now I know he gives them to us so we have someone to make us feel real and make our hearts shine when they are getting dim. I love you Alise you are everything to me and the way you made my heart feel when I am down is what I thought I was suppose to be to you for the rest of my life and am bless it works both ways. I am also thankful for all of my friends and family for being there for me. I hate to helpless and not have control. I promise I will try not to be all sappy it not really my thing but I think this will help me get though this.

1 comment:

  1. I love that you are blogging and I love that your little family is so good to you. Alise already has your heart Mersh, you are a great mother and I know when the time comes for #3 (cuz I know #2 is always going to be in your heart) you will continue to do an outstanding job as a Mommy! Love you!
